I could not believe, how small this church is It's me, doing nothing :P lol Great weather all week, picnic in Varna nature Golden sands, Varna Spinnaker Tower. 27-12-09 photo_6 photo_7 This was great fun :))) Grub up :P My introduction to adventure, at 52 lol Meet the family :) Yes, the carpet is fitted :) Mums 80th Birthday
I could not believe, how small this church is
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Aš esu: 68-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Skorpionas Skorpionas
gyvenu: Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė
ieškau: 52 - 62-m. moters
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williwallis has visited 9 places.
Varna, Bulgarija @ Impala Hotel (Holiday) 2010-04-01
Another wonderful holiday. Excellent location by the black sea. I sleap like a log there :)
Varna, Bulgarija @ Hotel Impala (Holiday) 2008-11-16
Made some good friends, 2 Russian, " english, and many Bulgarian
Famagusta, Kipras @ Friends house in Aiya Nappa (Holiday) 2008-06-01
Holiday with sister and kids, opened my eyes to a whole new description of holiday, ADVENTURE HOLIDAY. Theme parks, Water parks, Racing, Bungee jump, at 52 I did my first bungee jump :D
Câmpina, Rumunija @ Friends home Campina (Holiday) 2007-10-21
Made friends with local people, beautiful buildings.
Câmpina, Rumunija @ Friends home, I met them on net (Holiday) 2006-10-14
Toured many different places, including Draculas castle, Transilvania. Great memories.
Plovdiv, Bulgarija @ Hotel. City centre. (Holiday.) 2005-06-17
Amazing place, I even got lost in Old Plovdiv lol made many friends.
Budapest, Vengrija @ Hotel Hungary (Holiday) 2004-08-20
Lovely country, I saw much did much. Budapest has the best Restaurant, Sir Lancelot, amazing.
Ryga, Latvija @ With friends made on internet (Holiday) 2004-05-06
Very interesting City, the history is fasinating.
Prague, Čekija @ Some place outside Prague (Holiday) 2003-05-08
This is what starte it all for me in east europe. The architecture and people are fantastic, superb, amazing. I see more and enjoy more now, than when I was a teenager. LIFE IS GREAT...ENJOY IT :)))

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