photo_1 Relax!! Home is best Doing what I love... Protecting the rights of Marginalized societies! Being Zeus is easy Quincy #queen of the pack photo_6 photo_7
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peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 1
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 10

Aš esu: 56-m. moteris
zodiako ženklas: Ožiaragis Ožiaragis
gyvenu: Nairobi, Kenija
ieškau: 58 - 64-m. vyro
santykiai: Ilgalaikiai santykiai
Platoniška meilė
Laisvalaikis kartu
Kelionių partneris
Verslo partneris
rasė: Afrikietis
šeimyninė padėtis: Išsituokęs(-usi)
vaikai: 3
akių spalva: Ruda
plaukų spalva: Juoda
kūno sudėjimas: Tinkamas
aukštis: 5' 4'' (163cm)
religija: Krikščionybė / Katalikas
gėrimas: Išgeriu retkarčiais
rūkymas: Nerūkau
maistas: Ne vegetaras
užsiėmimas: Valstybės tarnautojas
išsilavinimas: Aukštasis
kalbos: English (Native)
Swahili (Native)
Afrikaans (Native)
pomėgiai: Alternatyvi muzika, Kelionės, Automobiliai, Pasivaikščiojimai, Kulinarija, Kantri muzika, Šokių muzika, Sodininkystė, Filmai, Gamta, Skaitymas, Buriavimas
Wildlife, Road trips

I'am a young at heart, fun loving person with three grown children (1 biological, 2 adopted) who are now out of the nest. I was born and raised in Africa - Kenya, and working with the Government of Kenya as a Program Manager - Harm reductionist. I travel quite a bit in the line of work and love game drives, Nature drives /walks, picnics. I am a people person who blends well with people from different cultures and I embrace the diversity of opinions. My idea of a romantic evening is relaxing at home with a cup of tea or a glass of wine with my Man watching the star's and the moon. I do enjoy going out once in a while though for a dance or gourmet dinne or coffee. Weekends are a reserve for family and catching up.... I live a moderate life though financially stable with own home.

Am moderate at 5"4 and a petite body, short hair mostly in casual wear unless when needed to be conservative. My smile is infectious and a deep voice that attracts attention. I have a great sense of humor and love to laugh. My friends say I do not look my age hence the nickname "undereighteen for life" Lol! While my nieces and nephews refer to me as the laughing Auntie

Looking for a mature, open minded Man who values friendship and relationship, fun loving, easy, with a good sense of humor, a believer but not a fanatic, taller than me or same height, and someone who enjoys home cooked meals, occasional dinners, and travels/holidays. He should be ready to compromise on relocating as i will be ready to meet him halfway.... Either me or him to relocate if the friendship turns into something serious...

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