...by the way, THAT'S NOT my cat... me and my daughter visiting London me and my son's 20th birthday 19th May, in Prague in Cairo, Egypt Easter in Monaco Fontana di Trevi, Rome somewhere at Cape Bone.. Gran Canaria, Las Palmas
...by the way, THAT'S NOT my cat...
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Aš esu: 50-m. moteris
zodiako ženklas: Liūtas Liūtas
gyvenu: Prague, Čekija
ieškau: 41 - 56-m. vyro
šeimyninė padėtis:
vaikai: Nėra
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Kosejda has visited 7 places.
Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė @ Gower house, London (travelling, shopping) 2011-09-28
We had been there twice and it has NEVER rained. We liked the monuments and I like being a tourist. We tasted Fish and chips, it was supposed to be small size, but for us it seemed like for two people. Our underground system is much smaller but much more prittier.
Cairo, Egiptas @ Hotel Abu Somma Shams Imperial (travelling, holiday) 2010-08-22
We have seen those amazing places in Cairo, like the pyramids, Sphynx, and much more. I loved it, partly because I like nice weather.
Las Palmas, Ispanija @ Lopesan Villa del Conde (holliday) 2009-08-12
Luxurious hotel, but I didn't like the ocean one bit because the sand was dark.
Rome, Italija (travelling, holiday) 2009-07-03
I went there with my kids because my daughter had begun to study italian. We stayed in Terracina near Rome, and we have visited the antic city twice. it wa amazing, although really crowded and hot.
Nice, Prancūzija @ La provence (travelling) 2009-03-06
We visited various citites in south France, like Nice, Avignon, Marseille, Monaco(which I really loved).
Nabeul, Tunisas @ Nabeul, Byzance (holliday, swimmign, sunbathing) 2008-08-12
Our trip to Cap Bone, interesting location of the hotel, so we could visit a normal city with normal people, not just turistic destinnations.
Prague, Čekija @ my home (I was born here and I live here) 1973-08-11
I love Prague because it's the most beautiful city I have seen so far.

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