Albanija Travel Information

What our users say about traveling in Albanija. Have something to say, too? Add your comments here.

Member6470159 visited Tiranë on 2017-08-26 and has this to say:
Any ladies want o show me around Terry
serdengecti79 visited Tiranë on 2009-04-14 and has this to say:
I loved restful nature of Tirana.. i was filled with peace there.. I recommend visiting Tirana and all Albania especially for people who living in a chaotic city like Istanbul.. you will not regret.
Adrianno visited Durrës on 2008-07-20 and has this to say:
It's just amazing, something i never seen before. It is must to see**
Raracek visited Tiranë on 2007-09-07 and has this to say:
Tirana is a must see. Not developed for mass turism yet. Really interesting spot
FRANCO36 visited Tiranë on 2007-06-09 and has this to say:
Since the 80s I wonted to visit that ex-closed state and I done it with my car-unforgetible.
wim196318 visited Durrës on 2007-02-28 and has this to say:
Очень интересно посмотреть на страну, еще недавно закрытую от всего мира, а сегодня ьбегущая на Запад даже быстрее, чем следовало
Member4289946 visited Tiranë on 2006-11-01 and has this to say:
I spent 6 months working in Albania
scalpmountain visited Shkodër on 2005-07-15 and has this to say:
the road through the mountains from Macedonia is truly wondergful on a motor bike. Allthe people that I met were very freindly. I want to visit again. The roadfs in the cities are not vey good,
Member5126177 visited Tiranë on 1988-06-01 and has this to say:
Serios parteners
Member5093342 visited Tiranë on 1987-10-30 and has this to say:
I want to know the charming women.
Member3475246 visited Krujë on 1958-03-27 and has this to say:
funny facts
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