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Aš esu: 52-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Šaulys Šaulys
gyvenu: Ingolstadt, Vokietija
ieškau: 28 - 48-m. moters
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vaikai: Nėra
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nasodisniffatorecomico has visited 6 places.
Aix-en-Provence, Prancūzija @ Paris, Orange, Menton, Avignon, Nimes, Nantes, Chambord, Val de Loire, Lyon, Lannion, Tour+XXXmore (work, studies, travel, friends visit,) 2012-09-10
98% positiv experiences - nicest Country of all 20 Countries I visited! I was ofter there It's to much to describe here... ...the date is just because I have do scribe something in!
Brescia, Italija @ Verona, Lago di Garda Bozen Roma Firenze Venezia Piacenza Vicenza Paestum Agropoli Amalfi+XXXmore (Work, friends visit, historical festovals, languarge learning, just living life there....) 2010-03-01
The Date of visit is just because I have to fill in something! 98% positiv experiences with people in over 4 years!!! I was over 34 Years again and again in italy. I found there the best people which matched best to my character and my desire of character. I had undescribable fun, trust and stressless relations. Furthermore people with THE superior education and sofistication of taste. The country, beaches, cities of course was also very nice, crowded with history, pittoresc.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Ispanija @ Teneriffe Santa Cruz, Porto de la Cruz, Güimar, Los Cristianos, Teideparc of Teneriffe, la Gomera, (languarge school, work (at Seat), vacations) 2004-11-01
Here I was also several time ... thus the date of visit is just something. The incredible Carneval of Tenerif was the most impressive and unforgetable experience IN MY LIFE! In Brasilian stile Samba, Salza, Nightlive and superior atmosphere the XX weeks (insead of a few days!!!) of carneval there was just pur living and breathtaking. every village has it's sambagroup called batteria, practising for carneval the whole year! Tererife itself is ok, but after 2 month you realise that it is just an irland of 70km. The people are friendly original canarian food very good and healthy, but other food is really bad fastfood. A must is the teideparc at m altitude - science fiction landscapes like on an other planet!!! Bercelona was nice, artful .
Seattle, WA @ Seattle, Detroit, the Harley Davidson City York and Stop overs in New York, Atlanta, Harrisburg, Ph (Work, service, vacation) 2001-06-01
Here I was also several time ... thus the date of visit is just something and in all my traveldescriptions the date is just because I have to fill in something - the real dates are longer or fewtime and exausting to mention/inscribe! Althought I have very good friend in USA and the experiences, places and superlatives where interesting, the feeling and people there is let save and often strange! i celebrated independenceday in Seattle in but after the firework the people did flee in their houses. Panic reactions when I wanted to ask something for example... Dangerous trip from Farmington to the center of Detroit, where I found a ghostdowntown with EMPTY 30s/40s/50s skyscrapers. So USA was not so my thing but a lot runs much easier as in my county(Germany). And work + skills is much, much higher appreciated, respected and get strongly encouraged!!! Service is also written in bigger letters there. And if you know a person personaly the respect is also higher as you can get it in germany. This and my work-visit at Harley Davidson was the most positive experience there. I saw at my stop over also the twin-tower, one year befor 9/11!!! BBC and if you're on the sea Seafood-culture is good and healthy there, but the rest is an interesting tasting but unhealthy fast food of often horrible bad quality in many senses.
Kowloon City, Honkongas @ Here i want to list all other places I was. (work, business, vacation, friends visits...) 2001-03-15
ok now the other countries with some notes: >>> HongKong --- wow, like in the Movie Blade Runner >>> Taiwan --- wow, also science fiction feeling >>> United arab Emiartes - Stopover >>> Poland --- such a positiv surprice, friendly, disziplinated, no stealing, just progresses!!! >>> Belgium --- positiv big surprice, not in focus for visitors/travelers but my personal number 4 and completely undervalued! >>> Thailand --- a different world compared to Europe. >>> Laos --- Daytrip. Very poor country! >>> Netherlands --- >>> Austria --- fro SPA and wellness a very good place austrians are very confident for Wellness and healthyness! >>> Swiss --- nice places of high variety but in my opinion overvalued. >>> England --- a positiv surprice but expensive. >>> Denmark --- well groomed, in cleanness if fullfills the stereotypes people have from germany. Clean, all in good shape, appearing very wealthy (no Euro!!! Well done!!!) >>> Ungarn --- interesting because of Pusta, hunnian, mongolian, austrian and other heritages a very interesting mix. Selfconfident people. But in involved in the tipical EU-problems. >>> Ukraina --- I was there for carity reasons. A poor, gray and sorry to say this...primitv and violent place in . How it i snow I can't say. >>> Czech republic --- like poland but the progress is far not as fast as in poland and not this open to foreighners but sure good for a trip, especially wunderful, historical Prag.
Vancouver, Kanada @ Vancouver, Surrey, Victoria, Nanaimo, West coast trail on Vancouver Island, Rocky Muontains, Calgary (Languarge school and vacations) 1997-06-01
Here I was also several time ... thus the date of visit is just something. Vancouver was the most confortable city of all scities I did visit in northamerica. A very good tough of Hippy and san Francisco, a little bit british, growing HongKong influence and of course north america Skylinestile. Big city but still familiar, oper and very gentle often very understandable people there (as well as my very friendly friends there)!!! Ok now Quebec City: Just with one word: No place in N.-Amerca is more like in france. You can feel easily (like in) france. A very nice contrast to the rest of N-America it's 85% like in french villages (appearance, culure, food, bistrot livestile..., 100% french speaking, 75% english speaking. Who want go to canada and not also to europe con be right on this place. Victoria in BC is the same like with quebec city but british instead of french. You could be in a little english town. Candians are very friendly an all sites I was and the big variety in canada is what I loved on it. The pro canabis demonstation in Vancouver was also a nice experience, was it in the end a etnical (with african dancers...), strong woodstock influenced festival directly in front of the skyscrapers of downtown - unbelievable. Montreal was also interesting but tentions between franco-canadians and anglo-canadians where often to see/feel and gave me an unconfortable feeling.

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