nature / Pažintys pagal pomėgius

5 foto
Member7176672 (Buvo prisijungusi šiandien)
29-metų moteris ieško vyro 51-66; Našlys(-ė)
Nature walks, Movies, Game drives, Cooking I am an active Kenyan woman still working for the Government who loves a quite evening at home after work. With the children grown and out of the crib, I enjoy traveling and
Member7163193 (Buvo prisijungęs daugiau nei prieš 3 mėnesius)
48-metų vyras ieško moters 32-67; Išsiskyręs(-usi)
Appreciate the Arts, Beauty and Nature. Am grounded and resilient, and give back nurturing to my partner.
Member7158158 (Buvo prisijungęs šiandien)
54-metų vyras ieško moters 22-42; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Nature Enjoy music history nature volunteer work This spring have planted wild flower bed I like to cycle so would say my legs are my best feature and eyes also Like to be well groomed and tidy Enjoy to wear neat wear
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Sauluteee (Buvo prisijungusi šį mėnesį)
52-metų moteris ieško vyro 53-63; Išsituokęs(-usi)
photography, design, nature, sea, all animals. architecture, musical theater...... motorcycle and car rally. fishing.... I want to meet someone who is simple, with a good heart, is conscientious in all respects, family
4 foto
Member6784810 (Buvo prisijungusi prieš 2 valandas)
57-metų moteris ieško vyro 57-67; Našlys(-ė)
Good food. love marina. reading. runing. walking. love nature Am a people persone. but do not wsnt some one that lite to destespect and hurt other perplessità. lobe animals. love hotel libero and work. love school. I love nel
Member6431531 (Buvo prisijungęs prieš 4 dienas)
60-metų vyras ieško moters 33-73; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
I love friendship, travel, sports, nature and hiking. I am a young man from Algeria and I live in Algeria. I am single. I have no children. I am very serious, honest, loyal, kind, respectful, humble, and frank. I do not
5 foto
amarcord8 (Buvo prisijungusi prieš 3 mėnesius)
63-metų moteris ieško vyro 63-80; Išsituokęs(-usi)
enjoy the life --i love life..... philosophy, history, arts, poetry, literatire,
opera..... billiard.... nature... etc.... I enjoy to be blondy... no jokes. I am kind univ. grad. /architect/Russian lady-optimist, responsible,
2 foto
bob227 (Buvo prisijungęs prieš 4 dienas)
67-metų vyras ieško moters 42-52; Išsiskyręs(-usi)
animals, nature, fish, frogs, snakes I want to find someone who can share my interests and, of course share hers. Someone who can talk about everything and even debate but someone who can place love about all things of
20 foto
Sunshine125 (Buvo prisijungusi praeitą mėnesį)
64-metų moteris ieško vyro 47-67; Našlys(-ė)
nature, music, network, painting, writing books, fb, skyp, badminton, gymnastic I am a self-assured, financially independent, young at heart, still a girl in my soul, I know what I want. I have a translation company; I
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