kisses / Pažintys pagal pomėgius

4 foto
Member7180318 (Buvo prisijungusi vakar)
25-metų moteris ieško vyro 31-51; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Handball, nature, cuddling, kisses I'm Stella from Nairobi Kenya 26 years old honest and smiley girl I try to find happiness in everything around. I'm honest and kind girl. I'm 5'2 tall and a thick lady Honest friendly
5 foto
znadav4491005 (Dabar prisijungęs!)
72-metų vyras ieško moters 50-60; Išsituokęs(-usi)
Ski, Kisses, Yellow, Play, Entertainment - znadav My name is Zion Nadav. I like to travel abroad every year to different countries so if we like each other we can travel together. Life is beautiful and you should enjoy
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