boating / Pažintys pagal pomėgius

rodneyfroggie (Buvo prisijungęs prieš 2 savaites)
83-metų vyras ieško moters 27-67; Vedęs/Ištekėjusi
I was born august 3, in redding california.. love fishing and camping, boating Hello, I grew up in california, joined the air force, worked for general motors and unions as a millwright, I am retired and save a little bit
toipds (Buvo prisijungęs prieš 2 savaites)
58-metų vyras ieško moters 32-52; Išsituokęs(-usi)
Boating, the beach, the ocean (near my home and the Caribbean) Let's make a great story of US! I am the guy you will be proud to bring home to your mother, yet I am the guy your mother warned you about... the best of
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