
(Buvo prisijungęs daugiau nei prieš 3 mėnesius)

peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 1
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 1

Aš esu: 50-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Vandenis Vandenis
gyvenu: Jämsä, Suomija
ieškau: 26 - 53-m. moters
šeimyninė padėtis:
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva:
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kūno sudėjimas:




goldenhairedman has visited 16 places.
Valmiera, Latvija @ visited border town (by car with brothers) 2005-05-06
second time Riga by plane spring for a few nights
Hat Yai, Tailandas @ hotels, home (travel) 2001-01-05
Came from Malaysia by train and stood in the first town over 3 months. Was also trapped in house couple weeks at worst floods there
Petaling Jaya, Malaizija @ home (travel) 1999-12-14
living in a family several times about 3 months every time, visited Tioman, Pulau Pankgor, Penang and many beautiful places
Paris, Prancūzija @ prix d`Amerique (horse race, Moni Maker won) 1999-01-29
second time visited Disneyland by fast train from London
Hamamet, Tunisas @ hotel (travel) 1997-12-15
other time visited Sousse. Last trip autumn
Rhodes, Graikija @ hotel (travel) 1996-04-27
break right after army
Thunder Bay, Kanada @ relatives home (visiting relatives) 1993-06-26
got lost while hiking full marathon alone at national park island and met a few moose very close. Came back to Copper Harbor on indepence day in very bad storm on Lake Superior and later named my horse Copper Harbor.
Kuressaare, Estonija @ brothers farm, hotels, motels (work, travel) 1993-04-04
visited tens of times, mostly Pärnu but all over
Lake Linden, MI @ family home (studying) 1992-07-20
as an exchange student
Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė @ living there in several places (studying, working, staying) 1991-10-26
living there longer times
Las Palmas, Ispanija @ holidays (with parents) 1987-02-02
al-cAqabah, Jordanija @ Aqaba, Amman (travel) 1986-04-04
got burned badly in the sun, visited Petra too
Saint Petersburg, Rusija @ Sotchi (several trips mostly to Saint Petersburg) 1985-04-25
Also living there few weeks many times while married with Russian woman
Malmö, Švedija @ tens of times (mostly by ferry) 1979-06-06
Kirkenes, Norvegija @ Ice Sea, Lofotes, Oslo, Bergen (several trips by car since 3 years old) 1978-06-06
Once left to Oslo with friends when just decided to go there to eat pizza and we did.
Jämsä, Suomija @ home (born there) 1975-02-17
living many places mostly south Finland, now back on roots

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