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Aš esu: 54-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Avinas Avinas
gyvenu: Tulsa, Oklahoma, JAV
ieškau: 27 - 47-m. moters
šeimyninė padėtis:
vaikai: Nėra
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gilstrapv has visited 17 places.
Montceau-les-Mines, Prancūzija @ in the city of Monaco (sight seeing) 2010-07-16
riding and just taking it all in. breathtaking views.
Saint-Raphaël, Prancūzija @ all over (fun sight seeing) 2010-07-15
riding the scooters up and down the coast and jumping in the sea when we needed to cool down!
Cannes, Prancūzija @ hotel (fun) 2010-07-14
went out at night and swam in the Meditteranean Sea. riding scooters like we had just stolen them!
New Orleans, LA @ stayed with family (ride and relax) 2010-04-12
visited with family and had great fun
Dublin, Airija @ airport (fun) 2009-11-09
heading home
Amsterdam, Nyderlandai @ hotel (fun fun fun) 2009-11-06
had a great time went dancing and to the red light district, browsing and shopping
Reykjavík, Islandija @ airport (fun and more fun) 2009-11-04
visited with family and went out and partied all night. left after 30min. sleep.
Montreal, Kanada @ Airport fuel stop (fuel and food for fun) 2009-11-03
Started this wonderful trip with a 13 hour drive from my home to Duluth MN. Single prop Cirrus 4 passenger plane was not ready so we had to wait a glorious day in beautiful Duluth!
Greenfield Park, Kanada @ Airport (refuel and aquire oxygen) 2009-11-03
temp was -40 with wind gusts up to 50mph
Niaqornaarsuk, Grenlandija @ airport (fuel) 2009-11-03
coming in through the fjords we flew between the hypnotic blue icebergs.
Robbinsville, NC @ hotel (to ride the dragons tail) 2008-09-15
the dragons tail is 318 turns in 11 miles. we rode every day through national parks and the Cherahola Skyway. the most expensive piece of highway in the history of the United States. absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful!
Colorado Springs, CO @ hotel (visit family for a wedding) 2007-09-20
rode through the Garden of the Gods, and up Pikes Peak where it was snowing and we were stopped 1,000 feet from the top because of 50 + mile per hour winds! gorgeous!!!!!
Cozumel, Meksika @ resort (rest and relaxation) 2007-07-12
snorkeling and some deep sea fishing
Reykjavík, Islandija @ Family apartment (Fun with Family) 2004-09-10
Visiting with my little sister. was able to visit with a lot of my family and had a great time.
Great Harbour, Bahamos @ Hotel (Fun) 1999-08-07
snorkeled with the sharks. the largest of them being 6' black tip reef sharks.
Koloa, HI @ resort (personal enjoyment) 1997-08-17
snorkeling and swimming, sight seeing and tours
Reykjavík, Islandija @ Family apartment (Fun) 1980-06-02
stayed the whole summer and just played. soccer mostly. was fluent when i left.

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