Oct. Moscow Oct. close up. July film shoot nov. 08 Not so secret service with a friend from Siberia!! july  at a gig with my band Robot Arm photo_8 my lame GQ pose! Holloween
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Aš esu: 60-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Dvyniai Dvyniai
gyvenu: Kihei, Havajai, JAV
ieškau: 28 - 53-m. moters
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vaikai: Nėra
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geostar57 has visited 16 places.
Kihei, HI (work) 2010-10-13
i am moving to Hawaii!!!!
Soči, Rusija @ Black Sea/Sochi (holiday) 2009-10-01
great memories of the Black Sea. It IS less salty than the oceans. You can tell right away, loved the pebble beaches and of course the people!!
Moscow, Rusija @ Moscow (Holiday) 2009-09-25
Moscow was wonderful. the Russian people are fantastic.
Dallas, TX (work) 2009-03-07
i live here, went to work today.. lol
Amsterdam, Nyderlandai 2008-11-15
filmed part of a ghost movie here. actually on the beach west of town. Saw Sigur Ros from iceland there. been to holland prolly 8 times! my ancestors came from holland
Cancún, Meksika 2004-04-10
spring vacation. most beautiful beaches. our room got broken into. MF!
Paris, Prancūzija 2002-11-07
have been to this city 4-5 times. everytime i find something else to see. like the latin quarter, st, michael area.
Vancouver, Kanada 2002-05-16
1st time to BC and vancouver. wonderful city! highly rec. going. i want to go back for the olympics! any takers?
Aachen, Vokietija 2001-11-25
went to Koln and Aachen. recently i met someone whose hometown is aachen. i met him in dallas, he works down the street. saw the chapel Where Charlemain was crowned in 600ad! looks like a college city.
Luzern, Šveicarija 2001-11-22
traveled thru Swiss many times! do you know there are giant PALM trees that grow in switzerland? you would think those are tropical climate plants... can anyone say global warming?
Rome, Italija 2001-10-18
spent 2 weeks traveling thru italy! from rome to milan and Venice. great photo ops, great food, great people!
Brussels, Belgija 2000-01-05
this was my sixth time to visit Brussels. lovely city, like paris sort of. had a terrible flu bug then.
Takeo, Japonija @ rapongi? spelling? (travel) 1999-08-08
at the time, my friends dad ran Continental airlines, spent 3 weeks in Toyko! crazy city. loved it!! not the prices though. 6.00US for one lime!!! about .49c US here in texas!
Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė 1997-11-08
i've been to England many times. birmingham, coventry, mid england area. lovely countryside. very nice people!!
Ocho Rios, Jamaika 1990-06-09
usual tourist stuff. rec. all inclusive resort. don't go off the property! you will be swarmed!
Innsbruck, Austrija 1985-07-04
had lunch there one day, what the heck

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