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Aš esu: 50-m. moteris
zodiako ženklas: Avinas Avinas
gyvenu: Almatı, Kazachija
ieškau: 47 - 62-m. vyro
šeimyninė padėtis:
vaikai: Nėra
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anarishka has visited 18 places.
Venice, Italija (Travel) 2013-01-01
Didn't expect it to be THAT beautiful! What a wonderful place!
Vienna, Austrija (travel) 2013-01-01
Another city that made me say WOW! Architecture is spectacular. Crowded without being suppressing, very comfortable.
Samarkand, Uzbekija @ Friend's house (visit for wedding) 2007-01-01
school excursion when was younger visited my friend - her dad turned the whole city upside down ;-) to make it fun for us
Gamu, Maldyvai @ Addo Islands (sailing) 2006-01-01
Turtles! The best curry I've ever tried. It's a quiet place with almost no tourists.
Mombasa, Kenija @ Mtwapa Creek n Lamu island (sailing) 2005-01-01
Hot, but very interesting. Everything s colourful - trees, flowers, birds, butterflies, people.
Victoria, Seišeliai @ Victoria Bay, La Digue, Angu... (sailing) 2005-01-01
Creols, tuna, cranes(birds), sharkmeat, the Greens n the Reds. Picture-perfect beaches! Strange toeless and footless pigeons - (disease?)
Moroni, Komorai @ Some hotel (travel) 2004-01-01
The local volcano erupted the next morning we arrived
Nosy Varika, Madagaskaras @ West coatline (sailing) 2004-01-01
Poor people living in paradise. Lemurs, mud crabs n madagascan rum. Sunrise n sunset - best in the world!
Dzaoudzi, Majotas @ Yacht club (sailing) 2004-01-01
The French n maori, ferry, beaches...Ah n grilled chicken legs in the marina ;-) Wonderful!
Stambulas, Turkija @ Hotel (travel) 2004-01-01
Isteklyan s fun at night
Pemba, Mozambikas @ Small bays (sailing) 2003-01-01
Baobab trees, whales, dolphins, naked fishermen. Ah!
Dar es Salaam, Tanzanija @ Islands, Zanzibar, Tanga (sailing) 2003-01-01
Exotic places, millions of fruit bats, great food, spices - mmmmmmmm
Durban, Pietų Afrikos Respublika @ Durban Marina, RNYC (boating) 2002-01-01
Across the country by car from Cape town to Durban, vineyards, safari, Drakkensberg mountains - country of contrasts, my favourite place!
Athens, Graikija @ Paradisos, Peareus, Glifada (work) 1999-01-01
Great clubs n festivals
Phuket, Tailandas @ Ko Samui, Phuket, Bangkok (travel, sailing) 1998-01-01
Lovely place even for women - but we all know that
Lake Worth, FL @ friends house (travel) 1998-01-01
from coast to coast by car - Key West, Disney World, Rocky mountains, Carlsbad Caverns, Las Vegas, Great Canyon,San Fransisco etc etc - interesting Everything s "the biggest in the world"
Dubai, Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai @ Bur Dubai (work) 1996-01-01
Great memories of the times when Dubai was smaller n quieter - still have friends there
Moscow, Rusija @ Hotel Baikal (travel) 1987-01-01
School excursion by train, shopping n museums. Wasn't red - more like brown, but ok

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