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Aš esu: 58-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Dvyniai Dvyniai
gyvenu: Bologna, Italija
ieškau: 39 - 48-m. moters
šeimyninė padėtis:
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva:
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kūno sudėjimas:




agua66 has visited 34 places.
Quito, Ekvadoras (Holliday) 2008-08-16
travel from Perù to Ecuador
Lima, Peru (Holliday) 2008-08-01
travel from Perù to Ecuador
Viangchan, Laosas 2007-08-02
Take a free tour with my cousin and a friend and travel for the more beautifull part of Lao: uncontaminated nature and ancient building
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamas 2006-08-10
travel from the south to north, beautifull place and beaches, Halong bay is a wonderfull view, but is very dirty.
Phnum Pénh, Kambodža 2006-08-03
travel from Cambodia and Viet-Nam: nature and very beautifull ancient building (Siem-reap is one of the best ancient place of the world)
Kathmandu, Nepalas 2005-08-03
Katmandu and his valley have ancient building very interesting and different.
Kunming, Kinija 2003-12-17
Travel for the south of China from the big dam to Dali and Lijang
Belize, Belizas 2003-08-23
travel for Messico - Belize - Guatemala - Honduras: go for some day in a caribe island for relax
Santa Rosa de Copán, Hondūras 2003-08-20
ancient Maya city different from the Mexican/Guatemala one
Antigua, Gvatemala 2003-08-06
very beautifull ancient building, also very interesting kind of life and colonial city. Uncontaminated nature
Cancún, Meksika 2003-08-01
travel from mexico, belize, guatemala and honduras for see ancient maya civilization
Puerto Plata, Dominikos Respublika 2002-06-05
Relax and beautifull beaches
Hurghada, Egiptas 2001-08-07
Sharm el Sheikh: beautifull sea, little enjoy like day tour at desert or monastery or canyon: nothing very interesting, only relax and sea
Dubai, Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai (work) 2001-04-06
nothing of interesting
Santa Cruz, Bolivija (work) 2000-10-10
some week of work ....
Tucumán, Argentina (Work) 2000-10-05
some day of work .....
Moscow, Rusija (work) 2000-09-06
moscow visit the center (red square, cremlino .... and a monastery outside the city) beautifull. Samara: only work, there was nothing to see.......
Kuala Lumpur, Malaizija 2000-08-02
travel around the peninsula and some day in Tioman island
Dublin, Airija 1999-08-07
Castle in Ireland? where!! only tower and a few castle not very interesting. very beautifull garden: raining everi day.........
Cairo, Egiptas (work) 1998-05-02
very beautifull and interesting ancient egipt culture, also interesting local type of life
La Victoria, Venesuela (work) 1998-03-15
Beautifull sea beautifull ........
Banġāzī, Libija (work) 1997-06-05
Tripoli ........
Medellín, Kolumbija (Work) 1996-04-10
Bangkok, Tailandas 1993-08-05
travel for the north of thailand, very beautifull, every time i come to asia take a fly to Bangkok (is cheap) an then from BKK go to choose destination
Denpasar, Indonesija 1992-03-01
some day in Bali for relax after a tour in Australia
Melbourne, Australija 1992-02-01
take a tour for the south Australia and Tasmania, vey beautifull nature.
Marakešas, Marokas 1991-08-05
Travel from the imperial city and the great south: very beautifull and interesting place, a great view with the desert (different kind of desert and color)
Stambulas, Turkija 1990-08-06
My first time in Turkey, untill now i go like 7 time. is one of the best place in the world: have ancient city, beautifull lanscapes, beautifull sea; like Italy, need a lot of time for see only the most important part, if you want see all need some life......
Sofija, Bulgarija 1990-08-02
goin by car from Italy to Turchia trought Yugoslavia and Bulgaria (stop some day in Sofia)
Athens, Graikija 1988-05-10
Travel from the ancient city of classic greece (Meteore, Delfi, Corinto, ......)
München, Vokietija 1985-09-22
OktoberFest and other place many time: it's very beautifull and funny
Split, Kroatija 1984-08-01
was Yugoslavia: travel from the north to the south return in Yugoslavia other 4-5 time
Paris, Prancūzija 1983-06-13
wonderfull city, I came to Paris 4-5 time in the last 10 year
Bologna, Italija 1966-06-02

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