Relaxed :-) Qatar Masters golf tournament. Skiing always makes me happy! In the pub!
Relaxed :-)
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peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 13
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 42

Aš esu: 57-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Mergelė Mergelė
gyvenu: Worcester, Jungtinė Karalystė
ieškau: 35 - 50-m. moters
santykiai: Vedybos
Ilgalaikiai santykiai
Kelionių partneris
rasė: Europidas
šeimyninė padėtis: Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva: Ruda
plaukų spalva: Truputį pilka
kūno sudėjimas: Vidutinis
aukštis: 5' 11'' (180cm)
religija: Jokia/Agnosticizmas
gėrimas: Išgeriu retkarčiais
rūkymas: Nerūkau
maistas: Ne vegetaras
užsiėmimas: Vadyba
išsilavinimas: Aukštasis
kalbos: English (Native)
French (Spoken and Written)
pomėgiai: Astrologija, Muziejai, Kulinarija, Pop muzika, Teatras, Kelionės, Pasivaikščiojimai, Žiemos sportas, Biliardas, Šokių muzika, Maistas, Futbolas, Golfas, Sporto salė, Džiazas, Filmai

I used to be a man with a plan and worked abroad for many years but Covid messed that up so I'm back in the UK and working on a new plan! I was in the Middle East which is a very male-centric environment and I miss female company. I'm a realist and a born analyst and I can almost always see both the good and bad of any situation. Makes it hard to switch off though, so wine with dinner is often mandatory!

I wear a suit to work but am just as comfortable in jeans and boots, particularly in winter. I mainly wear classic American clothes, particularly Gant. I'm not a gym rat but I try to keep myself fit with equipment at home and daily walks. I have a passion for skiing and often spend 3-4 weeks a year in the French Alps where I have an apartment.

I'm looking for a nice girl who keeps herself in shape and can hold an intelligent conversation. Someone with her own interests but who will also support me so we can build a future together. I'd rather chat over a bottle of wine with some background music than watch TV. If soaps and reality TV are your thing, we won't get on. I'm open to starting a family and would like to leave a legacy for them. I don't mind where you come from but it would certainly help if you enjoy travel and share my love of the mountains. I can teach you to ski: -)

Virgoski has visited 36 places.
Kuwait City, Kuveitas (Work) 2019-01-06
Paris, Prancūzija (Work Conference & Vacation) 2016-10-10
Innsbruck, Austrija @ Hintertux (Skiing) 2014-12-10
Doha, Kataras (Worked here for 3.5 years) 2014-07-14
Žilina, Slovakija @ Velca Raca (Skiing) 2012-03-15
Prague, Čekija (Lived here for 3 months on a drive around Europe) 2012-02-12
Annecy, Prancūzija @ Courchevel (Worked a ski season) 2011-12-15
RRas al-Khaimah, Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai (Played golf for 2 months between jobs) 2011-07-05
München, Vokietija (Work - training) 2010-09-10
Dubai, Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai (Worked here for 2 years) 2009-12-15
Annecy, Prancūzija @ Courchevel (Worked a ski season) 2009-02-15
Kuwait City, Kuveitas (Worked here for a year) 2008-04-15
Wanaka, Naujoji Zelandija (8 days touring the South Island skiing) 2007-07-24
Melbourne, Australija (Work) 2007-07-20
Seoul, Pietų Korėja (Work) 2007-07-17
Shanghai, Kinija (Work) 2007-07-15
Amman, Jordanija (Work - Conference) 2007-04-15
Whistler, Kanada (Skiing) 2007-04-04
Las Vegas, NV (Work - trade show) 2007-03-15
Venice, Italija (Work - Incentive Trip and skiing) 2007-03-15
Maskatas, Omanas (Work - training) 2006-05-10
Las Vegas, NV (Work - trade show) 2006-03-15
Detroit, MI (Work - training) 2006-01-10
Manama, Bahreinas @ F1 Grand Prix (Work) 2005-12-12
Doha, Kataras (Worked here for 2.5 years) 2005-11-01
Geneva, Šveicarija @ Zermatt (Ski Instructor training) 2005-04-10
Annecy, Prancūzija @ Meribel (Worked a ski season) 2004-11-05
Córdoba, Ispanija (Work - training) 2003-04-15
Nice, Prancūzija (Work - training) 2002-02-15
Zürich, Šveicarija @ Verbier (Skiing) 2000-11-25
Aspen, CO (Skiing) 2000-04-01
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Ispanija (Work - Incentive Trip) 1998-05-15
Salzburg, Austrija @ Saalbach (Skiing) 1997-12-14
Banff, Kanada (Skiing) 1996-12-15
Breckenridge, CO (Incentive Trip - Skiing) 1996-03-05
St. Paul's Bay, Malta (Vacation) 1992-07-15

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