
(Buvo prisijungęs daugiau nei prieš 3 mėnesius)

peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 1
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 1

Aš esu: 51-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Vandenis Vandenis
gyvenu: Kaiserslautern, Vokietija
ieškau: 36 - 44-m. moters
šeimyninė padėtis:
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva:
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kūno sudėjimas:




Robert128 has visited 19 places.
Prague, Čekija (travel) 2010-12-20
Another festive snow covered city, with plenty of great food/beer, Gluh Wine (great for keeping warm), sights and markets. Of course, there was a steep learning curve -- Taxi's and vendors taking advantage of tourists at every turn.
Berlin, Vokietija @ Swissotel (travel) 2010-12-17
Christmas & New Years in Berlin! An almost perfect trip... a city covered in snow, with plenty of food, sights, markets, festivities, etc... I didn't want to leave.
Gent, Belgija (travel) 2009-09-01
I've been to Belgium several times, but on this occasion, I sought out the "Best Beer in the WORLD". Belgian abbey's are renown for their beer, and rightly so.
Gothenburg, Švedija (travel) 2008-03-01
A multipurpose trip: a Nordic tour, cruise, sightseeing, etc... and bought a car direct from the factory.
Juárez, Meksika (travel) 2005-06-01
Border town...
Singapore, Singapūras (travel) 2004-09-01
Cleanest city I've ever been to.
Tijuana, Meksika (travel) 2004-08-13
Border Town. Shopping madness -- haggle for everything.
Manama, Bahreinas (Travel) 2003-07-15
Taxi's and merchants can't be trusted, but if your in the middle east, its a great place to unwind with a beer and entertainment.
Okayama, Japonija (travel) 2003-05-01
Tour of Japan. Fun times.
San Luis Obispo, CA (work) 2003-03-16
Land of the sun, earthquakes, landslides, forest fires, hippies, political madness and aspiring artists. California may be a nice place to visit, but I'd never want to live there EVER AGAIN! San Diego is nice though, and a quick trip to Mexico is always nice.
Riyadh, Saudo Arabija (Work) 2003-02-15
Think I'd prefer to be tortured than return to Saudi.
Basel, Šveicarija (travel) 2000-05-01
A great little border town and the 1st stop of many as I explored Switzerland.
Paris, Prancūzija (travel) 1999-12-31
New Years - in Paris. Oh, the memories...
Luxembourg, Liuksemburgas (travel) 1999-09-01
Been there, got the Tshirt.
Metz, Prancūzija (travel) 1999-05-01
Just one of many stops as I toured France over the years. Though I must say I enjoy the smaller towns & villages.
Amsterdam, Nyderlandai (travel) 1998-08-01
Amsterdam - reminds me of NYC in many respects. A cultural melting pot, with plenty to do 24/7. Every time I visit I see another side of this wonderful city.
Kaiserslautern, Vokietija (Work) 1998-01-01
I love the German culture... and may live here forever. Its also a great location for travel, being situated in somewhat centralized Europe. Travel to anywhere I want to go are just hours away by rail or air.
Houston, TX (life...) 1986-07-01
Friendly people and overall awesome times.
Brooklyn, NY (Born & raised...) 1974-01-01
Some of the best food and culture in the world!

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