Moterys Mozambikas, Merginos Mozambikas, Mergaitės Mozambikas

Mozambikas moterys
Member7182774 (Buvo prisijungusi vakar)
45-metų moteris ieško vyro 46-55; Išsiskyręs(-usi)
Maputo, Mozambikas moterys
I am a mother of 2 girls, and 1 adopted. Age; 18, 12, and 9 years old. It's the best thing I have in my life. If not at work, I enjoyed the indoor life, the warmth of my girls, family and close friends. I am a natural
Mozambikas merginos
Member7179854 (Buvo prisijungusi praeitą mėnesį)
29-metų moteris ieško vyro 35-60; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Maputo, Mozambikas merginos
I am a calm, loving person who believes that there is that romantic love that we only see in fairy tales, hardworking, fights to achieve everything I want in life, I like reading, swimming, spending time with family,
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