Moterys Viskonsinas, Merginos Viskonsinas, Mergaitės Viskonsinas

Member7189874 (Buvo prisijungusi prieš 3 savaites)
40-metų moteris ieško vyro 40-75; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Baldwin, Viskonsinas moterys, JAV
I'm a woman who is talented, smart and so different from every other girl. For me every women is beautiful, each woman has a unique personalities, like me I have a simple personalities like romantic, sweet and down-to
Member7189280 (Buvo prisijungusi šį mėnesį)
40-metų moteris ieško vyro 40-83; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Milwaukee, Viskonsinas merginos, JAV
I am a responsible, even-tempered, and shy type of woman. I love to travel and discover new places. I am a very optimistic and independent woman. I love organizing my things and watching YouTube videos during my free
Member7189265 (Buvo prisijungusi šį mėnesį)
38-metų moteris ieško vyro 45-75; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Baldwin, Viskonsinas mergaitės, JAV
I am a focused woman who knows what I want. I would like to share a relationship with someone. I am mature and I consider that whoever is with me would be happy because I am cheerful and have a good sense of humor. I am
Member7186517 (Buvo prisijungusi prieš 3 mėnesius)
39-metų moteris ieško vyro 48-70; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Cleveland, Viskonsinas moterys, JAV
I'm Diana Tracy Mctaggart by name, 38-year-old from Brisbane Australia but came to visit my auntie few weeks ago here at Colgate, Wisconsin USA. later caring loving man
Member7186489 (Buvo prisijungusi prieš 2 savaites)
38-metų moteris ieško vyro 45-70; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Colgate, Viskonsinas merginos, JAV
My profile is a perfect place to meet a truly loving, very sincere and open man. I am glad to welcome you here and I hope that you will stay to know about me. I am a very affectionate woman and my heart burns with
Member7183358 (Buvo prisijungusi prieš 5 dienas)
45-metų moteris ieško vyro 56-94; Našlys(-ė)
Milwaukee, Viskonsinas mergaitės, JAV
Hi how you doing? My name is Jenny and i found your profile very appealing on Amatuermatch dating agency and i would like to know more about you if you don’t mind us sharing some pictures too……Hoping to hear from you
Member7179640 (Buvo prisijungusi prieš 3 mėnesius)
47-metų moteris ieško vyro 53-67; Išsituokęs(-usi)
La Crosse, Viskonsinas moterys, JAV
simple, Down to earth, a little naughty. Straight forward person Am okay with my appearance and I try to make it more better by doing working more often am looking for funny, simple, a little naughty, hard working and a
Member7177901 (Buvo prisijungusi daugiau nei prieš 3 mėnesius)
51-metų moteris ieško vyro 49-87; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Milwaukee, Viskonsinas merginos, JAV
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