Moterys Juta, Merginos Juta, Mergaitės Juta

Juta moterys
Member7179923 (Buvo prisijungusi prieš 3 dienas)
54-metų moteris ieško vyro 50-87; Našlys(-ė)
Salt Lake City, Juta moterys, JAV
I work with seniors and it is most enjoyable as they have so many stories to tell. Although they can be obstinate at times you have to know where they are coming from and overlook it. I have worked as an executive most
Member7178872 (Buvo prisijungusi šį mėnesį)
47-metų moteris ieško vyro 48-100;
Bonanza, Juta merginos, JAV
Juta mergaitės
2 foto
Member7167478 (Buvo prisijungusi daugiau nei prieš 3 mėnesius)
39-metų moteris ieško vyro 41-81; Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
Orem, Juta mergaitės, JAV
I am an intelligent woman in the prime of her strength and beauty, who knows what every man wants. I have a good sense of humor, kind and intelligent eyes, soft lips and hands that can find those points on the body that
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