(Buvo prisijungusi šią savaitę)
peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 1
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 0
Aš esu: | 27-m. moteris |
zodiako ženklas: | Avinas ![]() |
gyvenu: | Manila, Filipinai |
ieškau: | 45 - 68-m. vyro |
santykiai: |
Vedybos Ilgalaikiai santykiai Romantika Kelionių partneris BDSM (surišimas, dominavimas, sadizmas bei mazochizmas) |
rasė: | Europidas |
šeimyninė padėtis: | Nevedęs/Netekėjusi |
vaikai: | 1 |
akių spalva: | Juoda |
plaukų spalva: | Light brown |
kūno sudėjimas: | Vidutinis |
aukštis: | 5' 0'' (153cm) |
religija: | Judaizmas |
gėrimas: | Išgeriu retkarčiais |
rūkymas: | Rūkau retkarčiais |
maistas: | Ne vegetaras |
užsiėmimas: | Inžinierius |
išsilavinimas: | Aukštesnysis |
kalbos: | Hebrew (Some) German (Fluent) English (Fluent) |
pomėgiai: | Menai, Astrologija, Kempingas |
Where do i start from? Really it is disturbing to come on the dating site
to see how much people appreciate love, but yet We have to go the extra mile to get this great status.
Forgive my manners, My name is Britt, 27 years old. I'm a self employed civil engineer and I deal basically with road constructions, renovations and over-water bridges and i travel a whole lot due to my construction business. I also supply building materials to construction companies and also to my customers overseas overseas but really i am hanging the hat next Year. I think after getting all the wealth in pursuit, i have come to realise that we are nothing without a partner, someone who would stand by me no matter the situation. A man who can hold his own when it comes to matters of the heart, lol.
I have seen faces of men on this site, many of whom have been taken for granted, many of whom are not being reciprocated, but i have come with a good news and a bad news.. The good news is i came here to pick my man to
make happy.... I wont be often here to reply messages you can reach me Atgeemale brittadams587 be smart xx send me a picture of yourself and tell me a little about you
Where do i start from? Really it is disturbing to come on the dating site
to see how much people appreciate love, but yet We have to go the extra mile to get this great status.
Forgive my manners, My name is Britt, 27 years old. I'm a self employed civil engineer and I deal basically with road constructions, renovations and over-water bridges and i travel a whole lot due to my construction business. I also supply building materials to construction companies and also to my customers overseas overseas but really i am hanging the hat next Year. I think after getting all the wealth in pursuit, i have come to realise that we are nothing without a partner, someone who would stand by me no matter the situation. A man who can hold his own when it comes to matters of the heart, lol.
I have seen faces of men on this site, many of whom have been taken for granted, many of whom are not being reciprocated, but i have come with a good news and a bad news.. The good news is i came here to pick my man to
make happy.... I wont be often here to reply messages you can reach me Atgeemale brittadams587 be smart xx send me a picture of yourself and tell me a little about you
Where do i start from? Really it is disturbing to come on the dating site
to see how much people appreciate love, but yet We have to go the extra mile to get this great status.
Forgive my manners, My name is Britt, 27 years old. I'm a self employed civil engineer and I deal basically with road constructions, renovations and over-water bridges and i travel a whole lot due to my construction business. I also supply building materials to construction companies and also to my customers overseas overseas but really i am hanging the hat next Year. I think after getting all the wealth in pursuit, i have come to realise that we are nothing without a partner, someone who would stand by me no matter the situation. A man who can hold his own when it comes to matters of the heart, lol.
I have seen faces of men on this site, many of whom have been taken for granted, many of whom are not being reciprocated, but i have come with a good news and a bad news.. The good news is i came here to pick my man to
make happy.... I wont be often here to reply messages you can reach me Atgeemale brittadams587 be smart xx send me a picture of yourself and tell me a little about you
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