(Buvo prisijungusi prieš 3 savaites)
peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 0
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 0
Aš esu: | 27-m. moteris |
zodiako ženklas: | Liūtas ![]() |
gyvenu: | Miami, Florida, JAV |
ieškau: | 46 - 91-m. vyro |
santykiai: |
Ilgalaikiai santykiai |
rasė: | Afroamerikietis (juodaodis) |
šeimyninė padėtis: | Nevedęs/Netekėjusi |
vaikai: | Nėra |
akių spalva: | Ruda |
plaukų spalva: | Juoda |
kūno sudėjimas: | Tankus |
aukštis: | 5' 2'' (158cm) |
religija: | Krikščionybė / Kita |
gėrimas: | Negeriu |
rūkymas: | Nerūkau |
maistas: | Ne vegetaras |
užsiėmimas: | Pardavimai ir marketingas |
išsilavinimas: | Nebaigtas vidurinis |
kalbos: | English (Spoken and Written) |
pomėgiai: | Alternatyvi muzika, Automobiliai, Vandens sportas, Pasaulio etninė muzika |
Yes, yes, they are real LOL, you're looking right there right now, am I right? no plastics and everything else, I'm really for naturalness, since I work not only in the modeling business, but I'm also fond of painting and design, and natural things are the most aesthetic and beautiful in the world, I hate fakes! as for me, I have not only big tits but also a big heart that wants someone to fill it with their care and kindness. LOL because of the difficult past, I had to look for all kinds of sources of income, and there was an erotic model, but it gave me a lot of experience in the photo industry, but I did not lose myself, as many people think, I am also a person with real sincere feelings, although I had problems in search of love, but I did not lose hope and therefore I went to this website of someone who will accept me for who I am let me feel like a real woman next to you and accept my heart and soul, and I will be the most faithful passionate beautiful kind and caring wife for you
Sculptures, painting, drawing, photography, nature and animals, organism - without the letter n and i LOL, I love to develop and hate to stand still, I want to decorate my life every day and make this world brighter and kinder
Seeks Partner: 38 - 88 years old
man if you are reading this, please pay attention not only to my appearance but also to my mind and heart, I want to find a husband who will love all my qualities, I am not a dummy as you think, I have a soul and I want to find a man with a huge soul who wants to start a family. Oh yes, I'm looking for a man only an adult, young guys, please do not write to me. passionate men are welcome who know how to satisfy a woman
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