(Buvo prisijungęs prieš 3 mėnesius)
peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 0
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 1
Aš esu: | 63-m. vyras |
zodiako ženklas: | Vandenis ![]() |
gyvenu: | New York, Niujorkas, JAV |
ieškau: | 35 - 70-m. moters |
santykiai: |
Ilgalaikiai santykiai Draugystė |
rasė: | Afroamerikietis (juodaodis) |
šeimyninė padėtis: | Nevedęs/Netekėjusi |
vaikai: | 1 |
akių spalva: | Juoda |
plaukų spalva: | Kita |
kūno sudėjimas: | Vidutinis |
aukštis: | 5' 9'' (175cm) |
religija: | Krikščionybė |
gėrimas: | Išgeriu retkarčiais |
rūkymas: | Nerūkau |
maistas: | Vegetaras |
užsiėmimas: | Pardavimai ir marketingas Supervisor |
išsilavinimas: | Nebaigtas vidurinis |
kalbos: | English (Native) |
pomėgiai: | Beisbolas, Krepšinis, Boksas, Kulinarija, Šokiai, Maistas, Politika |
I look at my career, I have to say that I have always been entrepreneurial, I just didn't know it. The first job I ever had was babysitting services. The one thing I knew, is people always want a good babysitter. The better you are, the more they pay, the more consistently they called. “I know a great babysitter! ” That was it! What I didn't recognize is I had already begun the process of becoming an entrepreneur. Of course I don't do babysitting anymore (thank God) but what I learned was this, The bottom line of being entrepreneurial is knowing yourself, understanding your strengths, and recognizing if you are gifted at what you do people will pay for your skills
I am 5 feet 8 inches tall, 68. 7 inches and i don't like to keep my hair. I'm enjoying my skinnystyle Lol. i think my best feature is that I can achieve a good shape within a month of hard workout and keep my business running. My clothing style depends on my mood. My most common style that I wear is streetwear style
I'm passionate about living naturally and eating healthy. Working from home means I could use a bit more exercise, and I'd love to find someone who’s up for getting fit together. Nothing too major just someone who would make a great accountability partner and make things fun like a best friend can
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