
(Buvo prisijungusi daugiau nei prieš 3 mėnesius)

peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 0
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 1

Aš esu: 28-m. moteris
zodiako ženklas: Dvyniai Dvyniai
gyvenu: Nairobi, Kenija
ieškau: 30 - 45-m. vyro
santykiai: Ilgalaikiai santykiai
rasė: Afrikietis
šeimyninė padėtis: Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva: Juoda
plaukų spalva: Juoda
kūno sudėjimas: Kūdas
aukštis: 5' 4'' (163cm)
religija: Krikščionybė
gėrimas: Negeriu
rūkymas: Nerūkau
maistas: Pasakysiu vėliau
užsiėmimas: Menininkas/Artistas
išsilavinimas: Nebaigtas aukštasis
kalbos: Afrikaans (Native)
English (Fluent)
Swahili (Native)
pomėgiai: Alternatyvi muzika, Labdara, Šopingas, Kelionės, Pasaulio etninė muzika

I’m Mary, a warm-hearted, down-to-earth person who loves connecting with people. I’m naturally curious and adventurous, which probably explains my love for travel and exploring new cultures. Whether spending time with friends and family, I always find joy in building strong, meaningful connections. When I’m not working, you’ll likely find me outdoors or planning my next adventure!

I'm 5, 4 inch tall, with a slim build and shoulder-length hair. I’d say my best features are my warm smile and expressive eyes, which people often notice first. My style is a blend of modern and casual—I love looking put-together but enjoy staying comfortable and approachable.

I’m looking for a relationship built on trust, respect, and shared joy. I value kindness, honesty, and a grounded nature in a partner—someone who genuinely cares about others and stays true to their word. I’m drawn to people who are adventurous, optimistic, and open-minded, with a love for trying new things and exploring the world. Ideally, we’d share interests like traveling, enjoying nature, and socializing with family and friends. While I’m flexible about where they live, it would be wonderful if we could spend quality time together, no matter the distance.

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