
(Buvo prisijungusi praeitą mėnesį)

peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 2
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 3

Aš esu: 38-m. moteris
zodiako ženklas: Liūtas Liūtas
gyvenu: West Orange, Naujasis Džersis, JAV
ieškau: 56 - 90-m. vyro
santykiai: Vedybos
Ilgalaikiai santykiai
rasė: Europidas
šeimyninė padėtis: Pasakysiu vėliau
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva: Pilka
plaukų spalva: Juoda
kūno sudėjimas: Vidutinis
aukštis: 6' 0'' (183cm)
religija: Krikščionybė / Katalikas
gėrimas: Negeriu
rūkymas: Nerūkau
maistas: Pasakysiu vėliau
užsiėmimas: Menininkas/Artistas
išsilavinimas: Pasakysiu vėliau
kalbos: Armenian (Native)
pomėgiai: Krikščioniška muzika, Kulinarija, Kantri muzika, Šokių muzika, Maistas, Sporto salė

I am an extremely open, emotional, cheerful and persistent person. I am very sociable, active, tender-hearted, caring and passionate. I live guided with my own principles and I am open to new experiences and new feelings. I am able to love unconditionally and faithfully. I love beauty and don't like monotony. I like style, life rhythm and intelligence. I am interested just in everything a woman is always interested in: fashion, art, travelling, reading, exhibitions. I love sports - swimming is what I professionally do and I also like to play tennis. Well, I am always open to something new and especially exciting in my life!

I like traveling, good food, being around positive people, reading, visiting historical places, learning new hobbies, watching movies and TV shows, even reading comics and playing board games. I like doing household chores. I love to cook something tasty and unusual and try new recipes.

Life is a beautiful gift and the most precious thing in it is love, love to your dear people and love to your beloved one, your soul mate, who shares with you support, comfort, friendship, understanding, kindness, passion and together you can create a unit in love being equal halves of the single one. When such a love is found it is the most precious thing on this earth

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