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peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 11
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 8

Aš esu: 50-m. moteris
zodiako ženklas: Dvyniai Dvyniai
gyvenu: Nairobi, Kenija
ieškau: 47 - 80-m. vyro
santykiai: Vedybos
Ilgalaikiai santykiai
rasė: Afrikietis
šeimyninė padėtis: Pasakysiu vėliau
vaikai: 1
akių spalva: Ruda
plaukų spalva: Juoda
kūno sudėjimas: Vidutinis
aukštis: 5' 4'' (163cm)
religija: Krikščionybė / Protestantas
gėrimas: Išgeriu retkarčiais
rūkymas: Nerūkau
maistas: Ne vegetaras
užsiėmimas: Menininkas/Artistas
išsilavinimas: Vidurinis
kalbos: Afrikaans (Native)
pomėgiai: Alternatyvi muzika, Kempingas, Žvejyba, Maistas, Sodininkystė, Sporto salė, Alpinizmas, Muziejai, Naujojo Amžiaus muzika, Šopingas, Dainavimas, Plaukiojimas, Automobiliai, Kelionės, Vandens sportas, Pasaulio etninė muzika, Labdara, Krikščioniška muzika, Kompiuteriai, Kulinarija, Kantri muzika, Šokių muzika, Šokiai

Am a very simple and humble woman.... down to esŕth who gets along easily to almost everyone.. Am open minded, real, genuine, honest, hardworking.. easy to love and to be loved.... i love working with goals and plans.. i never wish to be a reason for anyones tears or sadness.. always wants to bring smiles to faces. I enjoy laughters and light moments in life.. I really love to cook, music, travelling, dancing.. i love to hold hands with the one i love.... i love a care frer life.. I grew up back in my village... but moved to the city with my mum and family when i i was about the age of 10yrs... and since then i only go for visits back to the village.. I have brothers and sisters.... brought up by a single parent.. our mum... Am not a many friends person... I lhave my adult son.. a very humble, responsible young man.. my only child.. I believe in self love.. for you have to love yourself first for you to be loved back... Am very loving,,....

Well, am 5. 4 ft. in height.... i believe any height is just good enough for me.... height shouldnt be an issue.. My hair style, as an african woman, is straight mostly when its relaxed,.., ponnytail.. or braided.. at times its treamed short.. For my best features, i believe its my eyes.. i get many compliments most of the times from friends and even strangers... my eyes say alot about me.. they always reflect my mood... For my dressing, i love to be casual.. i always like to waer what i feel comfortable in... though mostly it can also depend on the occasion or the weather.... But i just love to feel comfortable in what i wear... its important...

Am seeking for a true love.... a genuine and real relationship full of ttust and honesty.. In a relationship, its very important to respect one another... theres no love without respect.. And its very important to accept one another just the way they are regarding their nature and believes considering that two people who love each other came from different back grounds and up bringing... so its alwsys good to respect that and not force changes on anyone... its good to just respect others values and morals.. for a healthy relationship. Well, on personality.. i just love a carefree kind of person... lots of playing and laughing around, holding hands at any given opportunity... being real, transparent and open minded is a good thing too... and ofcourse a man who makes me feel that am safe anytime and anywhere with him... a man who makes me feel am a woman and cared for.. My best place and hobby that i would enjoy most with my man is being on that beach together, being in that hotel room or restaurant together enjoying the simple things together.. taking that walk holding hands..... travelling to anywhere... just the two of us.... it doesnt matter where but i believe i will enjoy anything snd everything we do... as long as we are together.. And as long as i have my love with me.... we can live anywhere in the world..... we can always make that decision once we are together...

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