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(Buvo prisijungusi šiandien)

peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 19
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 43

Aš esu: 56-m. moteris
zodiako ženklas: Mergelė Mergelė
gyvenu: Bournemouth, Jungtinė Karalystė
ieškau: 50 - 70-m. vyro
santykiai: Vedybos
Ilgalaikiai santykiai
Platoniška meilė
Susirašinėjimo draugas
Laisvalaikis kartu
Kelionių partneris
rasė: Europidas
šeimyninė padėtis: Išsituokęs(-usi)
vaikai: 2
akių spalva: Mėlyna
plaukų spalva: Šviesi
kūno sudėjimas: Kūdas
aukštis: 5' 5'' (165cm)
religija: Jokia/Agnosticizmas
gėrimas: Išgeriu retkarčiais
rūkymas: Nerūkau išvis
maistas: Vegetaras
užsiėmimas: Viešbučiai & Turizmas
išsilavinimas: Pasakysiu vėliau
kalbos: English (Native)
pomėgiai: Automobiliai, Labdara, Rokas, Plaukiojimas, Teatras, Kelionės, Kulinarija, Dviračiai, Literatūra, Filmai, Gamta, Politika, Pop muzika, Skaitymas

Priscilla looking for her Elvis.. Joanie looking for her Chachi... Deirdre looking for her Ken!! Hi there.. I am Alison; a 56 year old (how on earth did that happen!!?? ) mum to two lovely grown up children... and a beautiful granddaughter... life is good. I love Elvis.... 's/60's..... old movies.... James Stewart... Cary Grant... Gregory Peck.... slow dancing... motown.... kissing.... rock music... rock pooling.... driving with the windows down and the music blasting!... baking.... eating what I've baked.. picnics... cats and dogs (I don't have any so can I maybe share yours? ).... scrabble... and more.... I don't drink.... (well maybe a Bailey's with lots of ice at Christmas).... but that doesn't make me a killjoy.. honestly... I just prefer a coke zero or a j2O... and just think; I can always be the designated driver so.... what's not to like!!?? I have recently moved to Harrow but am happy to move just about anywhere for the right person... I would so LOVE to live by the coast. I am attracted to people who like to see the best in others, who don't take themselves too seriously and who are generally happy and upbeat... though of course everybody has down days and I would be there to help you through yours.. That's all for now.... lots of luck in finding the right person.... and if you think that just might be me then.... what are you waiting for!

I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am slim and 5'5" tall. I dress however the mood takes me but most often in skinny jeans and vans.

No particular must haves... It just has to feel right: )

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