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peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 2
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 2

Aš esu: 42-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Avinas Avinas
gyvenu: Cape Town, Pietų Afrikos Respublika
ieškau: 25 - 35-m. moters
santykiai: Vedybos
Ilgalaikiai santykiai
rasė: Afrikietis
šeimyninė padėtis: Nevedęs/Netekėjusi
vaikai: 1
akių spalva: Ruda
plaukų spalva: Plikas
kūno sudėjimas: Vidutinis
aukštis: 5' 3'' (160cm)
religija: Kita
gėrimas: Išgeriu retkarčiais
rūkymas: Nerūkau išvis
maistas: Ne vegetaras
užsiėmimas: Teisė
Human Rights Advocate
išsilavinimas: Aukštesnysis
kalbos: English (Native)
pomėgiai: Menai, Džiazas, Muziejai, Pop muzika, Skaitymas, Rokas, Pasivaikščiojimai, Pasaulio etninė muzika

I am a broad-minded, positive, philanthropic, good hearted, open-minded and honest person. Am very optimistic about my future and life and ready for anything life can throw at me. I deeply believe that life is like not a dance but like wrestling where one must always be ready for anything, at any time. I am deeply philosophical as I know my fate will always be my fate and the only thing I can do about it is to choose how to respond to any fate befalling me. I take each day that comes to me with seriousness, humility, a sense of duty and creativity. I believe each day is just one of the days that will ever come or be; but I know that what may happen on each day, the choices I make on each day, will affect all the other days that will ever come. I love my books. I love reading books on Psychology, History, Espionage, Detective Novels, and Stoic Philosophy. I love reading Stoic Philosophy as a way of life. Stoic Philosophy, as an art of living gives me the wisdom, courage and serenity to know those things that are within my control and those things that are beyond my control. The Gods have been kind and generous with me in LIFE. I thank the Gods for that. I hope to see if I can be lucky in and with LOVE!

Good looking, physically fit and handsome. My clothing style are modern with a touch of smart casualness.

Am looking for a serious, love filled, genuine and mature relationship with a kind and honest woman. She should live anywhere in on planet earth with the flexibility of visiting/living with me anywhere on earth. Its up to us REALLY!! I would like to share the passion of reading, real love, the stoic philosophy as an art of living and my passion, as a citizen of the world and a human being, to advance human rights for others less fortunate than many.

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