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peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 48
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 14

Aš esu: 50-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Vandenis Vandenis
gyvenu: Nairobi, Kenija
ieškau: 35 - 44-m. moters
santykiai: Vedybos
rasė: Afrikietis
šeimyninė padėtis: Išsituokęs(-usi)
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva: Juoda
plaukų spalva: Juoda
kūno sudėjimas: Vidutinis
aukštis: 5' 4'' (163cm)
religija: Krikščionybė / Protestantas
gėrimas: Negeriu
rūkymas: Nerūkau
maistas: Ne vegetaras
užsiėmimas: Vadyba
išsilavinimas: Aukštasis
kalbos: English (Fluent)
Swahili (Fluent)
French (Some)
pomėgiai: Labdara, Gamta, Kelionės

Plus two five four seven two five nine eight two eight one one: Iam a social person, quite interested in Charity work and travelling to new places. A firm believer in women-empowerment and equality for all -for an inclusive society and harmonious families. I am protestant. My office work requires some site visits locally within thee week and sometimes globally once or twice a month or when the need arises. I love nature and as an award-winning journalist, I write about anything that I meet during my travels. I have been to several Countries and I have learnt to how to accommodate everybody in their strengths and weaknesses.

I am 5/4 in height, not heavy at 66 kgs and quite compatible with that height. I try to keep my hair as short and neat as possible, although it can really grow long if neglected. I love casual wear more so during weekends and other retreats, although the nature of my work requires official outfits. My best feature are my entire body which I thank God for. As it it now, it enables great flexibility within me in any setting. That's why I love the Gym!

Plus two five four seven two five nine eight two eight one one: I am looking for a honest lady who is open-minded and willing to share their love in a stable relationship geared towards marriage. Regardless of our backgrounds, honesty and openness are the key words in any relationship. Honesty from the start. I appreciate a person with strong attachment to the Church and keen on charity work as well for the common good of all. I am also keen to learn from my partner. A person who is not unnecessarily moody, but shares their feelings in a respectable way for the relationship to work. I have not issues with weight or extra pounds. I appreciate them!

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