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September after haircut
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peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 5
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 4

Aš esu: 55-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Liūtas Liūtas
gyvenu: Sequim, Vašingtonas, JAV
ieškau: 36 - 47-m. moters
santykiai: Vedybos
Ilgalaikiai santykiai
rasė: Europidas
šeimyninė padėtis: Išsituokęs(-usi)
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva: Ruda
plaukų spalva: Truputį pilka
kūno sudėjimas: Atletiškas
aukštis: 5' 9'' (175cm)
religija: Mistika
gėrimas: Negeriu
rūkymas: Nerūkau
maistas: Ne vegetaras
užsiėmimas: Kita
išsilavinimas: Aukštasis
kalbos: English (Native)
pomėgiai: Alternatyvi muzika, Literatūra, Menai, Alpinizmas, Filmai, Muziejai, Gamta, Repas, Kelionės, Pasivaikščiojimai, Pasaulio etninė muzika, Astrologija, Kempingas, Kulinarija, Šokių muzika, Maistas, Sodininkystė, Medžioklė, Džiazas

Tere, Privetiki, Moi, Ni Hao, bon jour, Hello! Basically I am an enhanced spiritual being motivated by love looking for someone special to share life's experiences. For years my passion was being a forest firefighter, now I enjoy travel, writing, photography and people. Sometimes a goofball or comic, other times as serious as the situation requires, however I prefer to smile and laugh. I don't want to own or control a lady, rather I am more comfortable giving myself to the right person who freely loves herself and her partner. Please understand that I am not a sex tourist and I am not interested in becoming one, and I will not play any games to that end so please be respectful of this position. Sexuality is an important aspect of a good relationship, but there is so much more... like SUNSETS, SUNRISES, HUGS, KISSES, TEA, SMILES and LAUGHTER with someone special. Unfortunately as much as I want someone special, we have to walk through a large field of weeds to find that one flower so I take my time to learn and grow. Your past is your past just as mine is mine, and unless it becomes 'our' present, it's not my job to critique your past. Everyone I know has had to overcome their individual hardships. I've enjoyed being a musician, an artist, a bum, a lover, a photographer, a judge, an ironworker, a friend, and many other hats. Now I want to enjoy sharing with one person without settling. The journey to find lasting love has thrown me down to the road a couple of times, probably like everyone else, but I'm not going to quit because love is the most powerful thing we have in this life. If you think you can take a broken hearted man (don't worry past love was many years ago, I'm ready), and make me your prize and take a chance. Is love like that puzzle or is it just dating. We all get one ticket in life, no refunds, no exchanges.

Right now i have a 4 pack (Abs) lol and i like to stay in shape even though gravity kicks my butt sometimes. My style alternates between casual to modern with a pinch of flair. My best feature is probably.... you'll have to tell me.

Do you honestly love yourself, your family and those around you? It took me a long time to understand that just because someone is family that I do not have to allow or associate with them if they are toxic or destructive, but that doesn't mean family is less valuable. Do those around you think you are mostly happy? If yes, then write me a note. I mean honesty, real honesty, not the facade 'look at me' version, i. e. be real. PLEASE either post or send a CURRENT photo. I know it's awkward but it's a part of being honest.

Member6588521 has visited 11 places.
Reykjavík, Islandija 2017-07-01
Amsterdam, Nyderlandai 2017-06-27
Viiratsi, Estonija 2017-06-21
Valka, Latvija 2017-06-12
Tartu, Estonija 2017-06-06
Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė 2017-05-13
Helsinki, Suomija 2017-05-10
Dubai, Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai 2015-12-15
Dhāka, Bangladešas 2015-11-01
Vancouver, Kanada 2014-07-10
Toronto, Kanada 2003-05-15

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