Aš esu: | 81-m. vyras |
zodiako ženklas: | Vėžys ![]() |
gyvenu: | Worcester, Masačusetsas, JAV |
ieškau: | 57 - 77-m. moters |
santykiai: |
Vedybos Ilgalaikiai santykiai Draugystė |
rasė: | Europidas |
šeimyninė padėtis: | Išsituokęs(-usi) |
vaikai: | 1 |
akių spalva: | Mėlyna |
plaukų spalva: | Plikas |
kūno sudėjimas: | Stambus |
aukštis: | 6' 4'' (193cm) |
religija: | Netikintis |
gėrimas: | Išgeriu retkarčiais |
rūkymas: | Nerūkau |
maistas: | Ne vegetaras |
užsiėmimas: | Menininkas/Artistas |
išsilavinimas: | Aukštesnysis |
kalbos: | English (Native) |
pomėgiai: |
I am semi retired. That means I work when I feel like it or need to. I seem to have two personalities. I love to be with people. I love to dance, enjoy music and I have a raucous sense of humor ( mostly self deprecating) I also have a reflective side. I read 4 or 5 books a month (more in the damn winter) I enjoy getting involved with a subject that interests me. I am forever the student.
I am 6' 4" tall and 250 pounds. I am a lean 250 and my friends tell me I am quite muscular. They also say much of that muscle is between my ears. My clothing style has gone down hill. I used to be a clothes horse but there is little reason to dress up. Oh I can still "clean up" and look presentable. You will not be able to run your fingers thru my hair. My hair left some 30 years ago.
I am not interested in your looks, social standing, money etc. I need a good friend. An honest person who would like to explore and share each others dreams and interests. Somebody who if it becomes more than a friendship will be free to pursue a life together. Honesty and a good heart is a treasure.
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