photo_1 photo_2 photo_3 photo_4 photo_5 photo_6 Congratulations on a holiday from the dearest persons in my life - my Mummy and my Daddy))))) Magic winter in St. Petersburg! The Neva River. Winter in St. Petersburg. I am making a wish holding the figure of Sphinx!!! (old Russian tradition traditional Russian pies baked by myself!!! The beauty of St. Petersburg in winter The street of Stockholm Stockholm. Made a wish and went down the endless steps with my eyes closed))) Tired of Stockholm's sights! Having a short rest))) Christmas in Stockholm Happy and hot under the sun of Egypt Fishing in Egypt! I caught a fish MYSELF for the first time in my life!!!!
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Aš esu: 44-m. moteris
zodiako ženklas: Vėžys Vėžys
gyvenu: Vladimir, Rusija
ieškau: 41 - 51-m. vyro
šeimyninė padėtis:
vaikai: Nėra
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Member4543035 has visited 4 places.
Alanya, Turkija @ Kemer Majesty Club Beach (having fun under the sun. I was on holiday.) 2013-06-04
The best impression is the Mediterranean sea. The tender sun and the view of the mountains, the sea breeze...
Hurghada, Egiptas @ "Ali Baba" hotel, Hurgada (Enjoying the Red Sea, the heat of the African sun) 2012-08-09
It was a perfect rest under the hottest sun in July. An unforgeable holiday worth to do it one more time. I am just crazy about the sun and the sea...
Stockholm, Švedija @ The city of Stockholm (Seeing the sights, practicing English and German) 2012-01-06
It was pleasant to see the winter country. I liked very much the narrow streets of the old part of marvelous Stockholm.
Helsinki, Suomija @ Helsinki, Turku (Seeing the sights of the Finnish cities) 2012-01-04
I liked the beauty of the country which is so much alike Russia

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