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(Buvo prisijungęs daugiau nei prieš 3 mėnesius)

peržiūrų šį mėnesį: 3
įkelta į išrinktuosius: 4

Aš esu: 65-m. vyras
zodiako ženklas: Ožiaragis Ožiaragis
gyvenu: Warren, Ohajas, JAV
ieškau: 28 - 44-m. moters
santykiai: Vedybos
Ilgalaikiai santykiai
Kelionių partneris
rasė: Europidas
šeimyninė padėtis: Išsituokęs(-usi)
vaikai: Nėra
akių spalva: Ruda
plaukų spalva: Tamsiai ruda
kūno sudėjimas: Atletiškas
aukštis: 6' 0'' (183cm)
religija: Krikščionybė / Katalikas
gėrimas: Išgeriu retkarčiais
rūkymas: Nerūkau
maistas: Ne vegetaras
užsiėmimas: Valstybės tarnautojas
išsilavinimas: Aukštasis
kalbos: Hungarian (Native)
Montenegrin (Native)
Italian (Native)
pomėgiai: Menai, Atletika, Kelionės, Krepšinis, Labdara, Beisbolas, Boksas, Futbolas, Sporto salė, Filmai, Muziejai, Rokas, Politika

I am considered very intelligent with an outgoing personality. I have 3 college degrees and I am an Attorney who works in a government agency. I enjoy traveling and learning about different cultures. I believe in a good diet and exercise for good health. I enjoy politics and shaping public policy. I like to help others in need. I exercise frequently and am an avid reader. I enjoy fine dining and a romantic evening with that special lady.

I am approximately 6 feet tall and weigh 200 lbs. I have dark brown hair and eyes. I dress in a professional manner at work and more casually when I go out for entertainment. I enjoy going to brewpubs that carry a variety of specialty micro brewed beers. My best feature is my honesty and outgoing personality. I also possess a good sense of humor. I have an athletic build and women do find me good looking.

I have strong convictions and morals. I will not cheat when I'm in a relationship and I expect the same from the lady I'm dating. I prefer an attractive woman who takes pride in her appearance and is between the ages of 23 and 42. She should have a nice figure and a pleasing personality. I have traveled throughout Europe and even Seoul S Korea. I find European women very desirable as well as women from the US, Canada, S Korea, China and Japan. Movies, fine dining, traveling, reading and exercising are my hobbies.

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