Anna6272264 has visited 4 places.
(holidays) 2014-03-02
Beautiful country and people, I will visit again for sure . Loved Bergen so much I did like the weather . I haven't stay there for so long as I was living in Oslo. I loved the general environment there it's cold but I love cold so it was perfect for me :-)
(Holidays) 2012-12-20
I loved Germany and I guess having lots of friends from there allowed me to experience the country more as a local and not so much as a tourist . Visiting multiple towns and cities with friends Munich , Nuremberg, Heidelberg , Stuttgart ,Frankfurt ,Cologne ,Bonn , Düsseldorf Bremen and Hamburg .I loved the culture history and people ,I enjoyed the cuisine , I was stunned by the architecture and in general it's a country I would go back for a visit again ( I haven't been in an Oktoberfest yet so... I have one more excuse to go lol)
(Holidays) 2010-12-20
Loved Vienna during Christmas and New Years so beautiful so warm and welcoming , Visited Salzburg and Amstteten as well . I enjoyed music , art , culture , history , so many beautiful friendly people beautiful country . what a wonderful time I had over there ...I would definitely go back
Jungtinė Karalystė
(Studies) 2010-09-01
Studying and living in London for 4 years . It has been the greatest experience of my life . Learning so much about life about myself and about people It has been a place that challenged me intellectually emotionally and spiritually and made me a much stronger ,smarter and more determined person .