Džibutis Travel Information

What our users say about traveling in Džibutis. Have something to say, too? Add your comments here.

Member3602550 visited Jibūti on 2011-01-19 and has this to say:
Small country with breathtaking landscapes and beaches
Gary4 visited Jibūti on 2002-09-01 and has this to say:
Was there for 3 days, it is hell on Earth weather wise... Desert, hot and humid...Avoid at all costs
Somboy visited Jibūti on 2001-08-26 and has this to say:
Halkan igala soo xidhiidha gabdhaha reer jabuti iyo reer somalia
Somboy visited Jibūti on 2001-08-21 and has this to say:
Halkan igala soo xidhiidh gabdhaha reer jabuuti iyo reer somalia
Member4007654 visited Ubuk on 1992-04-10 and has this to say:
Long time relationship and all partner
alsameie visited Jibūti on 1977-09-01 and has this to say:
I'm looking for a girl want to know and lasting friendship and romantic relationship. And be willing to sacrifice ...
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